Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chemistry V. Common Sense

So there I was, getting ready for the morning laboratory session of college chemistry - waiting for my "likes to party but won't attempt any sort of recovery method" partner. 

She comes in, droopy eyed and sniffling, saying how "dead" she is, despite having drank 'X" energy drink that is supposed to be an immune booster. I inquired...basically she was drinking sugar water with vitamin C.

So I asked: How much did you sleep last night? - "2 hours". Hmm

What did you eat before and after? - "nothing". Except that monkey crap concoction

How much water have you drank? - "none". Just what was in the coffee at Denny's last night

What was that? you asked me how to get in shape, since your so busy being a college student?

Does anyone see a pattern here?

I'm all for having a good time in your golden years as a college student. Hell, even a bunch of fitness pros stayed up late drinking and socializing before an action packed, information overloaded seminar two days in a row (the one I recently attended - Ryan Lee's Boot camp III).

So what is the difference? I would contend to say fellow fitness minded folks know a thing or two about the body, and how it responds. I would also guess that a certain degree of common sense in regards to stress and recovery are implemented. Its not rocket surgery...

Whatever. The sad truth is, and I've been seeing this more and more: That many people in general, but in my experience especially college aged girls, end up addicted to some form of appetite suppressing stimulant (cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks, prescription drugs, fat burners etc) and let their total health fall by the wayside and then wonder whats happening.

Education isn't the total answer  - you can't tell me they don't know whats good and whats bad. 

As Seinfeld would say "whats the deal?"

I'll end this with an open ended question for anyone to respond to: Why do we do what we do, when we know what we know?

Balancing college shinanigans and a fitness career,


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