Thursday, May 12, 2016

Wisdom for Wellness

A couple quick pointers on living well.

It's not complicated, but the trade off is you have to go deep and master these to really make them work for you.

Less to focus on, more to focus IN.


Purpose. Know why you are here, and why you are doing what you are doing. If you don't know this, then your purpose is to find your purpose for doing as you do.

+ Social support. Positive people, just there presence even is not only requisite for healing, but down right necessary for doing well, and living healthfully.

Carefully chose core values: Not everything or everyone you hold in your heart is the best for you. Not every thought you've had is original. You've received your beliefs form somewhere...maybe they were handed to you through your culture, passed on to you by your parents, absorbed slowly by your friends and extended family, or inundated through work, military or school.

The key is to be 100% honest, decide what YOU WANT TO LIVE FOR, and then choose those things in order. Then, day/day, step/step, making decision from those values will gradually create that kind of life. Waiting for things to pan out the other way around is a road to frustration.

Consciousness of time value. This goes well beyond "what are you worth per hour" in a business sense, but the literal value of your time upon this earth. There is a limit to it, as is your energy and seasons in which you have to live out your potential wisely. Little by little, start taking back the time wasted in your days, and put them into something more productive.

-->Even high achievers can find time and energy to take to the next level. There's almost always more/better ways to do the same routine things. I'm not talking about running around like a crazy person, but I am talking about maximize what you have without haste or delay.

Discipline. Without discipline, you don't get very far. Discipline is required to replace and develop habits, which in turn automate your lifestyle and results.

Motivation: Without motivation, you aren't very likely to sustain disciplines. The irony is, you'll have to develop the discipline of being motivated. Regularly check in with your source of highest Inspiration. For me, this is time with God, reading scripture and/or listening to worthy personal development videos and taking notes...and then working out to 80's movie soundtracks.

Shalom: Without abundant peace and internal security, there is no way you'll have the richness of soil in which you can apply your purpose to worthwhile activity. You'll run out of steam and act in vain, tearing yourself apart and letting others down in the process.

Peace, man. Peace.


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