Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Goals: Believe To Receive

Fellow goal seeker,

There is a phrase spoken by Jesus that says "Whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it shall be yours".

A few thoughts:

Belief is requisite to reception. This is how it works. If you pray, work, toil and focus on a goal, but your default internal setting is to 'turn your glass upside down'; it doesn't matter how long you hold it under the faucet - it won't fill up!

Or, if you act in belief and conviction for a while, and your glass fills up -well and good.

But, it's pretty common that after doing well, you waiver in unbelief, and begin to doubt, which is akin to dumping your glass to the side, or even all the way upside-down!

I've done it. I'm sure you have, too.

And, what are the results of unbelief? Wasted effort. Spoiled goods. Frustration. Wondering why you can't get it, or why you can get it, but not keep it.

Belief, or faith, is a faculty that we all have, and we exercise it in different ways all the time. We have a certain level of faith that the chair you are sitting in will hold you - you probably didn't even think about it when you sat down.

So too, faith is a manner of living - an approach to living.

 It is believing in the possibilities, and what has been proven to be true. For those of a theological mindset, it is believing in the person of the God, and trusting in His character, and what has been revealed to you to be true.

Then, basing your decisions upon that truth, the potential of your dreams, and commitment to see them come to pass, become a powerful drive that pushes you to create your life, regardless of circumstances.

Yes, circumstance always matters. You can't control other people. But, you always have an influence, how the trajectory of your life turns out.

Remember - you are the creative one in your life. Everything you think, say and do has power to influence people and things, including yourself.

You get to choose how you'll respond to everything. Therefore, if you choose to respond in reference to what circumstance tells you, you'll just keep reinforcing your circumstances!

Is that what you want?

Or, like every goal-seeker: You want something different.

You are free to choose.

No matter what, you always have direct control over your own thoughts and actions. Emotions may run wild, and you have to manage those - but your thoughts and actions, those you can control.

So start there.

"he who rules over his spirit is greater than he who takes a city".

Choose to receive EVERYTHING good that God, life, and other people are willing to give you. Choose to live by belief in what is true, good and possible.

Accept the good and bad; but base your decisions on determined belief.

Base all of your decisions upon the reality of a certain future. Keep your glass 'up' and the faucet 'on'.

Choose to base all of your responses on the fact that your goals are achievable, worthwhile, and likely (assuming they are in line with your purpose, and you aren't trying to leap to the top of the mountain).

Only then, will your reinforce your own faith, focus and commitment, so as to change your lifestyle, to one of faith, and not sight.

And then, you'll receive what you have believed in, because you will have aligned your entire life, one step, one thought, one action at a time, to be receptive to your goal.

Keep yourself open. Learn and discern, believe and achieve, live and give.



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