Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why Does Space = Growth?

Dear human being with too much stuff,

Space is good. It's okay to leave space in your house, car, schedule and relationships.

In fact, it's better than okay, it's a good idea.

You don't cram as many seeds as possible into a plot of land; you plant seeds in accordance with what you want the harvest to look like!

You plant trees in accordance with how much space they'll need....once they are full grown!

 So too, anything in your schedule that you give effort to, is going to demand more and more of your time and energy, because it wants to thrive!

Thriving is written into every system on this planet. It wants to grow - and if you can't do it, the task will demand someone who can.

Having three jobs is okay for a while...but eventually, you'll need to prune and cut-back so that the BEST endeavor for YOU, can grow even more.

Otherwise, you'll just be stretched thin, wondering what happened to your life.

By the way, you DO want more joy, passion and wealth, right? 

How else does that happen, except by being the best at what you love to do, wisely attending to it, and finding a way to serve others through it?

Yes. Exactly...that's it!

It takes time for this process to unfold; so patience is in order. But again, so is honesty, deliberation, and humility to admit you can't do it all - and neither should you try.

Remember, most people on this planet are fairly miserable, depressed, unhealthy, hate their jobs, and have too much wealth for their level of gratitude...

Which means, if you grow, others can, too! No one will despise you for stepping further into your purpose.

Plus, stepping into your purpose gives those around you 'subconscious permission' to do the same.

Again, you become like whom you associate with. So, if you associate with 'growers', you'll take on the goals and emotions of someone who grows and thrives.

In all this growth - listen to each other's counsel, and step INTO your greatness.

Take it on, full speed: It's why you are here.

Start where you are, with your current endeavors, and win.

Then, do it again.

May you have peace in your day, joy in your heart, and clarity in your mind.

Much love and blessings,


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