Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Making Changes: The Law of Displacement

Dear heroic-minded, impatient struggler who tries to do everything at once,

I had a conversation with a client last night that centered around an unfavorable family history, current injuries, health problems across the board, and a certain brother who insists upon trying to change his whole life, all at once, time and time again, to no avail.

In the spirit of Seinfeld: "What's the deeeeaaal?"

Humility, to start. It can be tough admitting that you are not capable of doing everything you know about doing.

Or, your physical capacity hasn't grown into your knowledge - yet.

Others try to restrict themselves severely - basically, a form of asceticism. And, with harsh treatment to their own body, they think they are doing something virtuous!

Severe food restrictions, excessive exercise, unsustainable disciplines, and other practices that have no power to actually change a person on the inside - which is where the problem is.

After all, this kind of blast of energy towards a goal kind of looks like the right thing to do, and maybe even admirable for the willpower demonstrated.

However admirable this approach, it is a mistake.

In the words of Bain from The Dark Knight Rises "You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. It's admirable...but, Mistaken!"

In the words of the Apostle Paul "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, reasoned like a child..."

It's time to grow up, and grow into your real life!

So here it is: The Law of Displacement: Start by ADDING things to your lifestyle, that are good.

Begin to PRIORITIZE what is necessary and important...and let the other things start to slide.

When you start to prioritize eating vegetables and lean meat, by default, you don't have the calorie-capacity to eat as much junk food.

The crap gets pushed to the sides, and eventually flushed out.

You don't' have to TRY to eat less junk; just eat MORE broccoli, fish, chicken, asparagus, etc - and with the energies of one act of the will, you address two issues.

Even if you still eat some junk food (running with this example), you'll at least have more vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc to give your body the tools to work with...


You'll have begun a good habit.

Once that first habit has been automated - that is - where it's easier to do, than not to do, THEN add a second habit. The amount of progress you make due to momentum, having begun small, will surprise you.

You don't have to force it all at once. Just start, start as small as you need to in order to stay consistent, and start TODAY,

or, at the latest tomorrow ;)  At least get ready today.

Challenge: What is ONE thing, simple and relatively small, that you can start, or reinforce, TODAY, that will build up the habit necessary for the type of future body/career/spiritual life/relationship that you actually want?

Be honest, think it over - but not too hard - and get to it. Even if you are 'wrong', you'll have made progress, and exercised your will.

I could go on - but it's time to enter into the day's responsibilities.

Strength and Honor,


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