Saturday, September 20, 2008

"You get paid for done"

This was the closing sentence of the weekend event I've been posting about - almost everyone left the conference room with a 'glazed-over-I-probably-shouldn't-drive' look.

Mentally exhausted and full of ideas.

How about a little implementation? Its no good to start an idea and tell people "I'm doing it.." or "I'm working on this and this...".

What do you have?

When someone says "I'm still figuring out where I want to go" - that is probably just more procrastination talking. I'm sure there are exceptions - but here we go: Get it done. Next.

I will interject myself and say there is a point at which I feel this gets taken too far- where you end up with products generated so quickly and with such a bang that they end up sub-standard of your true potential.

Having an effective system in place that allows you to settle, I guess you could say, but in the highest form

For the rest of us out there who can honestly say "yes, moving fast and with purpose is a good idea...I should do it more often"...

-Lets just take the next step, shall we? Some one else already said it better than I could.

"Don't ask what the world needs; ask what makes you come alive, and now, go do that. What the world needs is people who have come alive" - Charles Du Bos



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